Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Cosmetic Surgery in India

Today, I’m gonna be talking about a relatively new topic ( at least in the general public’s mind) especially in the Indian scenario. I have been getting many queries and emails regarding this, but the common factor in all those being the fact that very little is know about it and there seems to be a lot of confusion regarding the same.

The topic is “Cosmetic Gynaecology”.

Though the procedures that come under this heading have been performed for quite a few years now, the term seems to be recently coined. It basically involves correcting cosmetic problems related to the female genitalia. The procedures which come under this are:

  1. Labioplasty ( Reducing size of the lips)

  2. Hymenoplasty

  3. Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Rejuvenation ( Tightening of the vagina)

  4. G spot amplification

These procedures can be done together or separately or in various combinations depending on the need of the patient. Sometimes certain other urological or gynaecological procedures maybe be combined if there is a associated medical problem.

Let us briefly discuss each of these procedures separately.


This refers to the procedure by which the labia ( lips) minora most commonly or sometimes both the majora and minora are reduced surgically if they are too long. Many women are bothered about it as they know how it was and they feel it is not the same as time progresses and they feel uncomfortable about it. In normal course the labia minora are smaller and hidden within the labia majora as in the younger age groups. So, this is an attempt to bring it back to the way it was.

It is a relatively simple procedure which can be done under local anaesthesia or regional anaesthesia and the patient can go home the same day.

Some times this maybe be accompanied by fat grafting of the labia majora to increase their volume & give them a more youthful look.


This refers to a procedure of recreating the Hymen. Not very commonly a part of the combination of procedures. It involves recreating the thin layer of skin at the vaginal opening to give it an impression of being virginal. Though the fact remains that the hymen can rupture because of many reason other than intercourse. But it is done more for personal and religious beliefs than for medical reasons.

The procedure involves recreating the hymen with the help of tissues in and around the vagina. It is a relatively simple procedure and the patient can go home the same day. The stitches dissolve on their own in a week or 10 days.

3.Vaginoplasty or Vaginal Rejuvenation:

Classically vaginoplasty refers to recreating the vagina in patients with a congenital absence. But here in context of cosmetic gynaecology, it refers to tightening the vagina. Because of child birth and repeated intercourse and lack of exercise the pelvic muscles surrounding the vagina become loose. This may sometimes cause problems during intercourse because of the lack of proper grip for both the partners.

Vaginal tightening can be done with the help of LASER’s where the light from the LASER tighten’s the mucosa and some part of the underlying muscle. This is a good option if the patient has a decent muscle tone. The other procedure is to surgically tighten the muscles outside the vagina. The procedure is done from within the vagina and the stitches dissolve on their own. The patient can go home the same day or the day after.

This is usually combined with a labioplasty and fat grafting of the labia. The patient can resume normal sexual activity in three to four weeks time. There is an increase in sensations and pleasure during intercourse for both partners.

There are some pelvic exercises which all women can do to naturally tighten their pelvic muscles and delay the need for such a procedure. Some centers also have equipment which will help tighten and strengthen the pelvic muscles.

4.“G Spot” Amplification:

This is a relatively new addition to the procedures. The “G Spot” or The Gräfenberg spot, is a female erogenous zone, which when stimulated leads to high levels of sexual arousal and powerful orgasms.

Though anatomically the “G spot” has not be identified as a distinct physical entity some studies and anecdotal evidences from different women have shown a very sensitive and thickened area in the anterior wall of the vagina. Some studies done also showed this thickening when the women is sexually aroused. Women claimed the experience of a “deeper” orgasm when their her G-spot was stimulated.

Despite professional and scientific criticism and skepticism in general by the public, the G-spot, as a concept, has been widely accepted. Even in India judging by the mails, the awareness has definitely increased.

“G Spot” amplification is an extension of the same concept. As stimulation of the “G spot” is supposed to give greater arousal to the woman, the procedure involves identifying the spot and increasing the size by an injection. It is a relatively safe and simple procedure done as an office procedure. The injection lasts for 6-8 months and can give enhanced pleasure during intercourse by increasing the size of the “G spot” during that time.

But in some cases the results may not be up to the mark because of the difficulty of finding the “G spot”. The injection can be repeated as and when the effect wears off and the woman feels she wants the extra help to get aroused.

The awareness of these procedures and the inquiry regarding the same has increased over the past few years as woman are becoming more aware of their bodies and their own needs. Though there will always be controversies regarding the procedures, like for all other cosmetic procedures the options are there for people who want to get it.

David Gest - Plastic Surgery Addict!

David Gest blames himself for having too much plastic surgery. The 56-year-old TV star-and-concert promoter was reported yesterday (08.12.09) to have been encouraged by his late friend Michael Jackson to have several operations, but insists it was all his own decision. David - whose cosmetic procedures include two facelifts and a nose realignment operation - said: "On 'Celebrity Come Dine With Me', I discuss the plastic surgery I had done between 1980-1981 and blame only myself for being so foolish, especially not Michael Jackson nor anyone else. I was an idiot. I look back at that time and think of myself as being so stupid, and was very appreciative of Michael's support and being there when I went through all that."

David appears on the Christmas special of the British dinner party TV show 'Celebrity Come Dine With Me'. The flamboyant star also revealed he had his cheek implants removed after having a surgery epiphany. He told BANG Showbiz: "It was my idea to put in a clef chin and cheek bones - not Michael's. Sometimes when you are young you are foolish and you get carried away. I remember I was looking in the mirror in an office building when I was with Band of Gold singer Freda Payne. I was mortified and almost fainted. I had the cheekbones removed a week later. I've come to realise that it's not what's on the outside, but it's what's on the inside that counts."

David is currently putting the finishing touches to his brand new 90-minute special 'David Gest: My Best Friend Michael' which will feature unseen footage of the 'Thriller' singer and a never-before-seen interview between David and Michael. David said: "Michael was my best friend and was much tougher than people know. He had a great sense of humour and was never one to mince words - especially in business. My new TV special will show the world the real Michael Jackson as you've never seen him before." David's award-winning concert production 'Michael Jackson: 30th Anniversary Celebration', the singer's last live concert appearance, is also being aired in the UK in December. The show will air on UK TV station Five at 10pm on Monday December 21 and on New Year's Eve (31.12.09) at 9pm.

David Gest: Plastic Surgery Addict (obviously)

david gest plastic surgery addict

Read more: David Gest - Plastic Surgery Addict!
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Stretch mark treatment delhi

The Clinic dermatech offers a full service cosmetic laser center, Laser Centers of DElhi. Laser Centers of Delhi houses several different new technology lasers to remove unwanted facial and leg veins, rosacea, warts, stretch marks, age spots, unwanted hair, tattoos, birthmarks, stretch marks, scars and laser skin resurfacing. To learn more about these exciting new procedures that cause very little down time click on our Laser Centers of Wisconsin link on our home page @ www.clinicdermatech.com


All successful cosmetic surgery procedures begin and end with proper skin care. Our surgeons will offer skin care recommendations based upon achieving your goals for great healthy looking skin. On staff estheticians will counsel you in skin care products to prevent aging, smooth skin, improve fine lines and wrinkles, remove sun damage and put essential nutrients into the skin to make it look its best. Our skin care products are "physician supervised products" meaning that you cannot buy them in a department store or retail store as the use of these products contain a higher percentage of active ingredients which require physician supervision to safely use them. These "skinceuticals" can be purchased at our skin spa or on line at www.clinicdermatech.com for convenient ordering when you are out of town or at a time not convenient to shop with us. A full service skin spa offers facials, chemical peels and microdermabrasion.


The mission of Contour Weight Loss is to provide individualized, safe,effective and affordable medically supervised weight loss based on scientific research and proven results. www.clinicdermatech.com The program has been developed and is administered by Dr. Mark Blake, a Board Certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon who has been practicing cosmetic surgery and weight loss in Florida.


Microdermabrasion is the latest method to rejuvenate and revitalize the skin. A high technology machine uses a gentle wand to remove sun damaged and dead skin cells from the surface of the skin. The precise abrasive action of the diamond tip combined with a mild vacuum suction exfoliates the outer layer of the skin, resulting in a new, softer skin with an even texture. A series of several microdermabrasion sessions combined with nutrients applied to the new skin can make your skin look fresh and healthy. Microdermabrasion is recommended for improvement of fine lines and wrinkles, age spots and sun damage.


An injection of BOTOX (Botulinum ToxinType A) will erase fine lines and wrinkling of the forehead, brow furrows and crow's feet. This drug, which has a long history of safe use in the eye area, paralyzes the muscles of the forehead, brows and canthus (outer eye area) to create a smooth appearance without surgery. Botox lasts for about 4-6 months in an area and many patients feel that it a great non-surgical approach to the middle aged face.


It is unknown exactly why some women and men develop spider veins on the legs but we have two options to improve unwanted veins. If the veins are small and red in color, laser may be effective in removing the unwanted veins. If veins are larger and darker red or purple in color sclerotherapy may be effective in improving the appearance of these veins. Sclerotherapy is a technique, which involves the use of a very fine needle to inject a solution directly into the veins. This solution causes the blood within the vein to disappear or become less obvious. Most patients enjoy 60%-80% improvement after 1-3 sessions of sclerotherapy. We include a support hose with the procedure to ensure best results.

Face Lift by Dr. Karam

As a prospective patient seeking aesthetic consultation, you should diligently review your prospective surgeon’s before-and-after results to determine whether or not that practitioner shares your aesthetic vision. Carmel Valley Facial Plastic Surgery has a strong reputation for producing natural looking results no matter how dramatic the change. Depending on the individuals anatomy, lifestyle, degree of age-related changes, and the amount of downtime and cost the individual is able to handle, several options are available to re-contour the face.

The Facelift addresses the upper cheeks, midface, jowls, jawline, corners of the mouth and neck. The difference between this procedure and the Micro Lift (Mini Facelift) is that the upper cheeks and midface are addressed. Essentially, the same incisions are used in both procedures. Individuals with moderate amount of skin and muscle laxity are good candidates for this procedure. The neck is treated with liposuction and the muscle is tightened and repositioned. The midface and upper cheeks are treated by repositioning the malar (cheek) fat pad back toward a more youthful position.

There are so many new and different treatments available now. Even more fascinating – there are also different ways to perform each treatment. Given this great variety, the surgeon’s techniques have become as unique as the treatments and the right combination can produce stunning results.

Sex Change Surgery,Cosmetic Surgery,Plastic Surgery,Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) Bangkok,Thailand by Dr. Pichet

Cosmetic Surgery, Plastic Surgery Sex Change Surgery/Sex Reassignment Surgery (SRS) Bangkok, Thailand
Center or clinic of a href=http://www.bangkokplasticsurgery.com/plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery sex change surgery/sex reassignment surgery (SRS)/a, located in Bangkok, Thailand. We provide background on the history and wide variety of cosmetic and reconstructive plastic procedures as well as offering plastic reconstructive consulting. Here we are providing information to the prospective patients and/or their families about a href=http://www.bangkokplasticsurgery.com/cosmetic surgery/a and a href=http://www.bangkokplasticsurgery.com/plastic surgery/a procedures available to them. It can fulfill many needs and give patients a level of satisfaction that other solutions cannot often provide. There is no need to explain or justify; it is well accepted in every social sphere for these a href=http://www.bangkokplasticsurgery.com/plastic surgery, cosmetic surgery, sex change surgery/sex reassignment surgery (SRS)/a procedure.

Plastic Surgey: The New Beauty Norm

I decided to take this question of plastic surgery and the search for beauty and see how it can affect some women in the African-American community. According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, African-Americans make up only 6% of plastic surgery patients. Why is this? Do African-American women have a more positive self/body image or is it that many cannot afford it? And for the 6% who do have surgery, to which standard of beauty were they trying to aspire

This is a good topic to discuss especially now since the popularity of all the make-over shows. I have always been curious as to why people, mostly women, have this idea that they are expected to look a certain way in order to "fit in" with society.

There are at least three news stories a day regarding some celebrity somewhere getting plastic surgery for one reason or another. Their stomach is not flat enough or their cheeks are sagging or the most important reason of all, their butt looks bad on camera. For these people, surgery like this may be the norm, but when is it right for the average person?

The first consideration should be why. The reasons for choosing plastic surgery to correct a problem are very wide ranging. There are more than enough good reasons out there to warrant this type of elective surgery such as birth defects or severe weight loss due to a medical procedure along the lines of having a gastric band installed.

This article was refreshing because they all had positive experiences, which is usually the norm, as opposed to many articles which talk about patient's problems and complications which is not the norm. But the underlying theme of the article is what is most poignant for me. The large numbers of plastic surgery procedures done today could occur for only one reason... that the typical plastic surgery patient is just reflective of the average person in society. There is only a very small fraction of society that is famous or wealthy. The cosmetic surgery numbers of today, which total in the millions of procedures (surgical and non-surgical), could not come from that segment of society.

Look around and you will see that celebrity plastic surgery is everywhere. Enhanced breasts, nose surgery, eyelid surgery and liposuction are the norm in Hollywood. From Lisa Rinna's over-inflated lips to Jennifer Aniston's cute little nose, the visibility of celebrities inspires the average Joe or Jane to want to emulate their look. Yet at what cost? While living in the spotlight can provide opportunities and advantages, the darker side of living life on the red carpet is that celebrities are under constant scrutiny and are pressured to maintain a youthful appearance.

Many men and women are searching for that special something that will keep them looking younger; taking vitamins, eating organic foods, practicing regular exercise, twice-monthly facials, are the norm for most health conscious people but no matter how diligent they are with a health routine, their faces continue to show decline.

Aging faces are primarily a result of sagging muscles; just like in the body where we discover our hips sliding down the back of our legs or the muscles in our upper arm looking loose and jiggle-ly, facial muscles suffer the very same loss of tone and resiliency. Add sun damage to the mix and all of a sudden you have an old, tired face that needs attention.

There's no question that Farrah Fawcett was one of the most beautiful women of the 1970s. Even though she was only on the television series Charlie's Angles for a year, she was always associated with the show - perhaps even more than the other two "angels" Jacqueline Smith and Kate Jackson. A poster of Fawcett in an orange swimsuit sold an astonishing 30 million copies.

But even the most beautiful people can't avoid getting older. Perhaps because of media pressure to be beautiful, Fawcett underwent plastic surgery as she got older, and sometimes it didn't turn out well. Fawcett is believed to have had a face lift that did not turn out well, eye surgery, lip augmentation, and various injection procedures like Botox and Juvederm.

One of the main reasons people opt not to have the plastic surgery they want is the fear that other people will judge them, ridicule them or think less of them because of it. If you've had noticeable surgery, you'll have to deal with the comments, both good and bad, of others-whether you like it or not.

There are more reasons than ever to go under the knife for cosmetic enhancement. It's cheaper, faster, easier and more reliable than ever before. And yet, many people are still denying themselves the pleasure of looking years younger and more attractive because they're afraid of the reactions of others. This is best exemplified by the obsession in our culture with celebrity plastic surgery.